14 years of experience
with international recruitment
Access to over 1.000.000 candidates
Recruitment capacity of
over 50.000 candidates yearly
Hundreds of successfully fulfilled recruitment projects
in Romania, Hungary, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and the United Kingdom
Timely Immigration Process
EGV International is an international recruitment company, part of the EGV grup of recruitment companies, founded in 2007 with over 14 years of experience.Our mission is to support the sustainable growth of your business. In all these years we have learned that solid businesses are based on great employees and our goal is to give you access to millions of candidates who can support your goals.
Interviu oferit de Vlad Sarca, fondatorul EGV International, despre onboarding, dar și despre recrutarea internațională de personal
În contextul unui deficit de personal care se adâncește de la an la an prin exodul românilor, angajatorii sunt puși în situația de a-și concentra eforturile pe menținerea actualilor angajați în companie. Tocmai de aceea, un start bun în colaborarea cu noii membri ai...

Vlad Sarca, the founder of EGV International, had an interesting discussion with Ciprian Aron, journalist at Radio Transilvania
Vlad Sarca, the founder of EGV International, had an interesting discussion with Ciprian Aron, journalist at Radio Transilvania, about the Romanian human resources market, status and possible solutions for the high lack of candidates....